1. As was stated in part 1, 84% of the laws in the Bible were either illegal or illegal to enforce when this country was founded. And of the remaining 16% few are specific to Christianity.
2. There is no mention what so ever of the known Gods including Yahweh, Jesus or Christianity in the Constitution of the United States.
3. The oft used 10 Commandments monuments and text are definitely not a definition of what the people who founded the United States wanted to found. Most of it is an antithesis to what they were trying to do.
4. Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli says “ The United States is in no sense founded upon the Christian doctrine. . .”. Add to this the fact that the treaty was only 2 pages long, published in
several major newspapers of the day, there were no objections to it by the public, and it was approved unanimously it is rather obvious beyond doubt that the founding fathers did not want a government
founded on Christianity.
There is always the sentiment that the treaty was written by politicians to appease the people of Tripoli. And then, as now, that would be a valid argument except for the fact that the PEOPLE of the
United States did not object. They did NOT want the government to be in any way involved with their religion.
5. There were several states at the time of the founding of the U.S., such as Virginia and their governor Henry’s general assessment scheme, that wanted to tax the people to support the church(s). In
1786, the Virginia legislature snuffed out the last vestiges of the state’s religious establishment by passing Jefferson’s bill for religious freedom. It provided that “…no man
shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever…nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall
be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.” Between then and
1810 all of the states abolished taxpayer support for religion.
6. There were those in the US at the time of the Revolutionary War who supported England and the Church of England. They got their asses handed to them on a very bloody platter. Included on that platter was
the death of the Church of England in the US.
7. The Iroquois Confederacy. This confederacy of Native Americans was inspiration for some of the Founding Fathers to put together a republic of individuals that could get along without warring continuously. There is considerable debate as to their exact
influence, but among historians it is known that they did have influence. And the Iroquois were not Christians.
Does this imply that Christianity had no part in the founding of America? Obviously it does not prove that there were no Christian principles involved in the founding of the US. It does however show that at most 16%
of the principles of Christianity had anything to do with the founding of the US, the other 84% or more of Christian principles were rejected as applicable to America.
This points to the fact that Christianity is not the founding principle behind America. That being the case, is what the Founding Fathers put
forward a new principle to humanity, limited strictly to Christianity, or is it an older principle? We will look at those questions in parts 4 & 5.