The Wyoming Hypatain Chronicle

Was America Founded On Christianity (Part 5 of 5)

There is one last subject to cover, that is, why so many of the founders spoke as though they were devout Christians. One must remember that before the revolution England enforced a strict Christian standard on all their people. Not following the standard could get you put in jail, or the stocks, or beaten, or killed. As a matter of fact, the pilgrims came to America because they could not speak their truth in England.

Based on that mentality of the enforcers of the day, the people themselves adapted to speaking properly in order just to survive. This is not an indication of how they felt. This is an indication of how they knew they had to talk to stay alive. And as we all know this is an extreme case of being both religiously and politically PC.

And down deep inside we know that regardless of what somebody says, how they really feel is shown in what they do. Someone can continuously tell you that they would like a certain style of clothing that you happen to wear but continue to dress completely differently even when they buy new clothing. And ultimately in life words from strangers are mostly transitory utterances that have little affect on your life, but their actions can greatly affect your life. The reason for this is that when someone tells you something you can choose to accept it or you can reject it, when someone does something you have no choice in the matter, it is done.

And the founders removed all religion from our founding documents. That is what was done regardless of how they spoke.

Since we know:

1. 84% of the laws in the Christian Bible are either illegal or illegal to enforce.

2. 75% of the King James version of the 10 Commandments can't be enforced or are illegal to be inforced.

3. There is no mention what so ever of any of the then known Gods including Yahweh, Jesus or Christianity in the Constitution of the United States.

4. Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli says “ The United States is in no sense founded upon the Christian doctrine. . .”, and the PEOPLE accepted this as true.

5. The states themselves snuffed out the idea of taxes to support churches and/or preachers. They also put the "Deniers" on the same footing as the Devout

6. The founders used some parts of the principles of the Iroquois Confederacy. And they rejected the Christian way of laws for the ways of laws that had been around for more than 4,000 years.

7. The Absolute rejection of the Church of England BY THE PEOPLE.

8. The false praising of Christianity before the revolution while still under duress.

9. The fact that similar non Christian governments such as the Iroquoi, Romans, and Greeks had reigned successfully for millennia before Christianity and had laws much more relevent to ours than the Abrahamic laws.

10. Many of the founders, in private, rejected Christianity. Take for example the Jefferson Bible, and Washington never in his life taking communion, and never once in public or private writings did he mention Christ or Christianity.

11. The only thing we have that would indicate people may have wanted this to be a Christian nation was two facts. First – there were some in the US that supported England and the Church of England at the beginning of the revolution. Second – many people talked religiously and specifically Christian religion in their every day life as well as in public life.

And as we know, these Church Of England people lost the war! They also lost the support of the people who won the war.

12. Based on what the Founders of this country DID vs how they were forced to speek before the revolution it is obvious the US being founded as a Christian nation is a concept that was repugnant to the vast majority of American citizens when this countries liberty was fought for and won.

(Saturday May 09, 2020)